POPS Toolkit
The POPS Network is delighted to publish the new POPS Toolkit. This toolkit has been developed and coproduced with the 19 sites that have participated in the POPS network over the past 2 years, this content will continue to develop over time. The toolkit is constructed around ‘design principles’ and core components described by previous sites, as being necessary to develop and sustainably embed an effective POPS service.
POPS Guidance
The interactive POPS Guidance and the accompanying reference guide provide comprehensive guidance on how to design and implement POPS services.
Specifically, the Guidance makes available the resources that Guy’s and St Thomas's NHS FT developed to set up and sustain POPS services over the last 15 years. In sharing these resources, we hope to establish a network of POPS services to promote consistency and excellence in perioperative care for older people and facilitate a joint-up education, training and research programme across the UK.
The list of resources contained in the Guidance are also provided below:
2.4.3 Summary Article
3.2.1 Business Plan GSTT
3.3.7 Proforma outline- draft POPS letter